Reviews of ms word for mac
Reviews of ms word for mac

If you are reviewing a document, you can either accept or reject changes made by another person.

reviews of ms word for mac

The comment will appear in the right margin of the document. You can also comment on pieces of text by selecting New Comment from the Review tab. When you reformat text, the type of reformat will be noted in a comment in the right margin of the document.

reviews of ms word for mac

When you delete text, the deleted text will be noted in a comment in the right margin of the document. When you add text, the added text will be in a different colour to the normal text – making it easy to spot for reviewers. Any changes you make to the text will be marked by a grey bar on the left side of the changed text. Once Track Changes is turned on, you can start editing the document. Make sure that you change ‘Simple Markup’ to ‘All Markup’ from the drop down bar next to Track Changes.Either click the Track Changes button (PC) or toggle the Track Changes switch (Mac).Choose the Review tab at the top of the document.You can also follow these steps if you are using the desktop Microsoft Word app: Turn on Track Changes


If you do not know how to use Track Changes, Microsoft has a very useful online guide to using Track Changes. Reviewers can then accept or reject changes. Track Changes will record any text you add, delete, reformat, or comment on. This allows us to clearly see what edits have been made and greatly speeds up the amount of time we spend editing web pages. In addition, it gives more power to the owner of the document who can accept or reject any changes made to the document.ĭigital communications often shares Word documents containing website content with colleagues across the University, and asks them to use Track Changes to make edits or queries. It is particularly useful when you are sharing documents with other colleagues, because it allows you to see exactly what changes were made, and by whom. In this post, I’ll teach you how to use Track Changes to edit Word documents, and how to accept or reject those changes as a reviewer.

reviews of ms word for mac

Track Changes is a tool in Microsoft Word which allows you to show any markups, changes or comments made to a document.

Reviews of ms word for mac